Easter 2023 in India

Easter 2023 in India occurs on 9, अप्रैल रविवार and commemorates the Ressurection of Jesus Christ after his Crucifixion as per the Holy Bible. After Christmas, this day is said to be one of the most joyous and festive occasions in Christianity and observed with great gusto and excitement. Natuves are seen hosting Raster lunches, ritualistic get-togethers, prayer meets and services.

Easter is also known as Easter Sunday and listed among popular Christian Holidays 2023. The holy week begins with Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday. This week also marks the end of the divine period of Lent. Let us move ahead and know more about Easter history, observances in India and ceremonies carried out.

2023 में ईस्टर कब है?


अप्रैल, 2023


Easter	in India

Is Easter a Public Holiday in India?

Easter Day in India is observed as a public holiday, majorly in Southern and Eastern states, and considered as one of the significant Christian Holidays 2023. Since it usually falls on a Sunday as per the Gregorian Calendar, this day automatically is observed as an off. Therefore, all the colleges, schools, educational institutions and establishments, government companies, public dealing offices, private sector offices and companies and selected retail shops remain closed. Banks and post-offices also remain closed on this day. However, since Indian employees are restricted to observe selected days as holidays, employees at some MNCs may choose to take either a half or full day off.

Easter History and Origin in India

Easter history holds high significance amongst Christians in India and marks its observance and festivity. Accordingly, the origin of Easter in India can be traced back to the time when western powers such as Portuguese, Britishers, French etc. were colonising India and slowly came to power. The festival of Easter was celebrated by Christians during the British Raj, and with Christianity spreading among Indians, the celebrations also came into light.

As per biblical records, Jesus Christ was crucified on the day of Good Friday, after which he resurrected from the dead on the day of Easter Sunday. It is believed that Jesus Christ fought for humanity and took all the torture and evil on himself in order to save mankind.

Easter Celebrations in India

Easter celebrations in India goes on for the whole month, i.e. starting from Lent and concluding on Easter Sunday. Christians residing all over the country, especially in Goa, Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai and several Northeastern and Southern states of India make big arrangements to mark the occasion. Easter Bunny chocolates, Easter Eggs, decorations, lights, Easter Buns, etc. are some of the things people enjoy on the day of Easter. Although in some regions Christians do not follow the tradition of decorating eggs on Easter, they purchase a lot of them and use them to decorate their houses or as a gift.

Below we are mentioning some states that celebrate this day with great enthusiasm and fanfare.

  • Goa

  • Since Goa was ruled by the Portuguese back in the time, a lot of influence, both culturally and religiously, can be witnessed in Goa. People from all over the world come to this place and pay a visit to the “Our Lady Immaculate Conception Church”. Streets are filled with folk songs and dances, processions and communal get-togethers.

    Several acts depicting the Way To The Cross can be witnessed. Magnificent carnivals offer an essential vibe to the Goan culture on Easter. Families are seen exchanging the Holy Cross and wishing each other Happy Easter. After all the festivities, people are seen gorging on delicious meals, cakes, Easter Bunny chocolates and Easter Buns. Colourful lanterns are lit to mark this happy occasion.

  • Kerala

  • With a major percentage of Christians residing in Kerala, the festivity on the day of Easter is a sight to see. Natives attend the Sunday Mass at the Church with their family, friends and loved ones. The day is then spent with a traditional Breakfast, followed by lunch and then dinner. People share their home-cooked delicacies with their loved ones. Some of the local items people gorge on the day of Easter include Meat Stew, Appam, Egg Curry, Baked Bananas and much more.

  • Meghalaya

  • Easter celebrations in Meghalaya are carried out during midnight after communal prayers, where people can be seen singing folk songs and performing folk dances. Special programs are organized by several local churches to mark the occasion such as Easter Sermons, Vigils, Processions, Church Choirs, Sunrise Service. Christians can be seen carrying out the Candle March and Baptism ceremonies for the newborns.

  • Nagaland

  • Verses from the Old and New Testament are read on the day of Easter in various churches in the state of Nagaland. Christians attend the Sunday Mass on Easter Sunday and pray to the Christ for their welfare. Several social welfare programs and donations are carried out on this occasion by the locals to help the poor and needy.

  • Mizoram

  • Christians residing in Mizoram observe the festival of Easter as a communal occasion, where everyone gathers around together and carry out the celebrations. People observe a fast on this day as a tribute to Jesus Christ and the sacrifice he made for mankind. In the morning, the people are woken up by the band of the Salvation Army. celebrations are carried out throughout the day, and after Church services and prayers, people sit together, enjoy singing folk tunes and gorging on local delicacies.

Easter Symbols in India

  • Easter Eggs: The representation of the tomb where the lifeless body of Jesus Christ was kept.
  • The Holy Cross: Represents the victorious emergence of Jesus Christ over Death.
  • Easter Bunny or Easter Rabbit: Signifies life and Spring.
  • Easter Lilies: Signifies purity and untainted heart.
  • Candles: Represents the Christ as the Eternal Light Of The World.
  • A Butterfly: Represents the life of Jesus Christ, from his birth, crucifixion and finally till his resurrection from the dead.
  • Easter Chicks: Represents rebirth, as in rebirth of Jesus Christ.
  • The Lamb: Represents Jesus as the “Lamb of God”.

ईस्टर Observances

साल सप्ताह के दिन दिनांक नाम छुट्टी का प्रकार
2019 रवि 21 अप्रैल ईस्टर प्रतिबंधित अवकाश
2020 रवि 12 अप्रैल ईस्टर प्रतिबंधित अवकाश
2021 रवि 4 अप्रैल ईस्टर प्रतिबंधित अवकाश
2022 रवि 17 अप्रैल ईस्टर प्रतिबंधित अवकाश
2023 रवि 9 अप्रैल ईस्टर प्रतिबंधित अवकाश
2024 रवि 31 मार्च ईस्टर प्रतिबंधित अवकाश
2025 रवि 20 अप्रैल ईस्टर प्रतिबंधित अवकाश


1. Is Easter a bank holiday in India?

Easter is observed as a bank holiday in India.

2. Can you consume alcohol on Easter?

Religiously, one must abstain from consuming alcohol on the day of Easter.

3. Do Baptists celebrate Easter on the same day as Catholics?

Baptists observe the event of Easter on the same day as Catholics.

Easter Celebrations In Other Countries

From the above information, it is evident that the festival of Easter 2023 in India is observed on रविवार, 9 अप्रैल with great enthusiasm.

त्वरित तथ्य

इस वर्ष: रवि, 9 अप्रैल 2023
अगले वर्ष: रवि, 31 मार्च 2024
अंतिम वर्ष: रवि, 17 अप्रैल 2022
प्रकार: Restricted Holiday

Easter - Names in Other Languages

English: Easter
Hindi: ईस्टर दिवस