New Year 2025 in Cambodia

New Year’s day 2025 in Cambodia, is one of the most anticipated days of the year. Just like the people all around the globe, New Year’s Day in Cambodia is celebrated with great ace and joy. The celebrations take place somewhat usually in Cambodia. People here follow the Gregorian calendar and wait eagerly for the New Year to arrive.
br> Let us now take a look at how the New Year celebrations take place in Cambodia.

2025 ൽ എപ്പോഴാണ് New Year?


ജനുവരി, 2025


New Year in Cambodia

Is New Year a Public Holiday in Cambodia?

New Year is a public holiday for the general population according to the list of Cambodia Holidays 2025. This means, offices, colleges, schools, universities, and several other academic institutions remain closed on this day.

New Year Celebrations in Cambodia

Even though the Khmer New Year is quite popular in Cambodia, the folks also celebrate this day with great joy and fervour. Usually the Khmer New Year celebrations last for about three days, but this is not the case with this New Year which arrives in accordance with the Gregorian Calendar. People go out with their loved ones, friends and family members to celebrate this day and make the most of it. As the day remains an off day for the general population, people can go out freely and enjoy a splendid meal with their folks.

New Year Observances

വർഷങ്ങൾ ആഴ്ച ദിവസം ദിവസം പേര് അവധി തരം
2019 ചൊവ്വ 1 ജനുവരി New Year പൊതുഅവധിദിനം
2020 ബുധ 1 ജനുവരി New Year പൊതുഅവധിദിനം
2021 വെള്ളി 1 ജനുവരി New Year പൊതുഅവധിദിനം
2022 ശനി 1 ജനുവരി New Year പൊതുഅവധിദിനം
2023 ഞായ 1 ജനുവരി New Year പൊതുഅവധിദിനം
2024 തിങ്ക 1 ജനുവരി New Year പൊതുഅവധിദിനം
2025 ബുധ 1 ജനുവരി New Year പൊതുഅവധിദിനം

New Year Celebrations in Other Countries

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പെട്ടെന്നുള്ള വസ്തുതകൾ

ഈ വർഷം ബുധ, 1 ജനുവരി 2025
അവസാന വർഷം തിങ്ക, 1 ജനുവരി 2024
തരം : Public Holiday