Vietnamese New Year’s Eve 2019 in Vietnam

Vietnamese New Year’s Eve 2019 is celebrated with all the cultural nuances and specials. It is undoubtedly one of the most important days of the year for Vietnamese people who are more than ready to celebrate this day with great joy and fervour. They leave no opportunities behind to give a grand farewell to the last day of the year and make preparations to welcome a new year.

2019 में Vietnamese New Year’s Eve कब है?


फरवरी, 2019


Vietnamese New Year’s Eve

Is Vietnamese New Year’s Eve a Public Holiday in Vietnam?

Vietnamese New Year’s Eve is a public holiday for the general population according to Vietnam Holidays 2019. This means, offices, colleges, schools, universities, and several other academic institutions remain closed on this day.

How is Vietnamese New Year’s Eve Celebrated?

Vietnamese new year is celebrated in a very authentic manner. Here is a list of a bunch of things which are followed on the occasion of Vietanamese new year.

  • All the people in a Veitnamese household shiower in a very special manner on the occasion of New year’s eve.
  • Even before the new year begins, Vietnamese folks begin to purify themselves.
  • Many also believe that bathing in water mixed with medicinal herbs (called “nước lá mùi”b in Vietnamese) washes away all misfortunes and bad luck of the previous years; and helps them to set foot in a pious and happy Vietnam New Year.
  • Many purify their homes, pay off any pending debts and bid adieu to the Kitchen God.
  • Food remains a grand part of the celebrations. Many families get together to enjoy some traditional Vietnamese delicacies.
  • Vietnamese New Year’s Eve Observances

    साल सप्ताह के दिन दिनांक नाम छुट्टी का प्रकार
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    2021 गुरु 11 फरवरी Vietnamese New Year’s Eve राष्ट्रीय अवकाश
    2022 सोम 31 जनवरी Vietnamese New Year’s Eve राष्ट्रीय अवकाश
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    New Year’s Eve Celebrations in Other Countries

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त्वरित तथ्य

इस वर्ष: सोम, 4 फरवरी 2019
अगले वर्ष: शुक्र, 24 जनवरी 2020
प्रकार: National Holiday