New Year’s Day 2019 in Romania

New Year Day 2019 in Romania is a bigger occasion than New Year’ Eve and celebrated with great passion, enthusiasm and joy among people. The first day of the New Year in Romania holds high cultural and traditional importance and marks the observance of Saint Vasile Day. Apart from that, it is believed by Romans that starting the New Year with good thoughts and following several customs on the first day of the New Year can bring in enriching benefits. Let’s move ahead and know about some of them.

2019 में New Year’s Day कब है?


जनवरी, 2019


New Year Day

Is New Year’s Day a Public Holiday in Romania?

New Year’s Day is a public holiday for the general population according to Romania Holidays 2019. This means, offices, colleges, schools, universities, and several other academic institutions remain closed on this day.

New Year Traditions in Romania

You can see people visiting each other or their relatives’ houses and offering them gifts while greeting and wishing them “An Nou Fericit” or “Happy New Year”. Several traditions and customs are followed by Romanians on the first day of New Year, some of which are as follows:

  • Two of the most popular carols sung on this day are Sorcova and Plugusorul or The Little Plough for prosperity and health.
  • People predict how the year will turn out based on the weather. Accordingly, if it is cold on the New Year’s Day in Romania, the year will be good and filled. If it is snowing, the year will be flourishing.
  • Tossing a coin in the river is one of the famous New Year traditions followed in Romania.
  • Some of the traditional dishes prepared on the day of New Year in Romania are Mititei or Romanian Sausages, Romanian Jellied Pig’s Feet, Sauerkraut Cabbage Rolls, Sour Meatball Soup, and much more.

New Year’s Day Observances

साल सप्ताह के दिन दिनांक नाम छुट्टी का प्रकार
2019 मंगल 1 जनवरी New Year’s Day राष्ट्रीय अवकाश
2020 बुध 1 जनवरी New Year’s Day राष्ट्रीय अवकाश
2021 शुक्र 1 जनवरी New Year’s Day राष्ट्रीय अवकाश
2022 शनि 1 जनवरी New Year’s Day राष्ट्रीय अवकाश
2023 रवि 1 जनवरी New Year’s Day राष्ट्रीय अवकाश
2024 सोम 1 जनवरी New Year’s Day राष्ट्रीय अवकाश
2025 बुध 1 जनवरी New Year’s Day राष्ट्रीय अवकाश

New Year Celebrations in Other Countries

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त्वरित तथ्य

इस वर्ष: मंगल, 1 जनवरी 2019
अगले वर्ष: बुध, 1 जनवरी 2020
प्रकार: National Holiday