Corpus Christi 2025 in Germany

Corpus Christi 2025 in Germany is one of the most prominent holidays in some places of Germany. It will be celebrated on 19 जून 2025 according to the list of Holidays 2025. Also popular by the name Fronleichnam, Corpus Christi 2025 in Germany falls on a गुरूवार, which arrives exactly 60 days after Easter Sunday.

Corpus Christi in Germany is marked to honor the Eucharist (Holy Communion, Lord’s Supper), which is considered to be quite important for the Catholic Church. Since Corpus Christi is a public holiday in not all but some parts of Germany, parades are seen for the blessed sacrament (which are in the form of bread or wafers).

Let us now move on to find some more details about Corpus Christi 2025 in Germany.

2025 मध्ये Corpus Christi कधी आहे?


जून, 2025


Is Corpus Christi in Germany a Public Holiday?

Not in all of Germany, but Corpus Christi in Germany is declared a public holiday in eight German states and comes under the list of holidays 2025. Now, in these respective states, a day off is granted to the general population.

Schools, colleges, universities and other public and private organisations remain closed on this day. All the other places and their organizations maintain their regular working hours on the day of Corpus Christi in Germany. Transport services also remain functional and only in places like Bavaria, Saarland, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg or North Rhine-Westphalia, it is observed as a public holiday.

History of Corpus Christi in Germany

As per the history of Corpus Christi in Germany, it became a Christian feast after following the footsteps of a Nun known as Juliana of Liege. A city in Belgium is named after her now. Her years are 1193 until 1252 during which she had repeated visions of Jesus which also kept reminding her continuously that there was no special feast day dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament. Many Christians are believed to have celebrated the festival far back during 1246.

Later on, during 1264, Pope Urban IV announced a sermon that the Feast of the Blessed Sacrament should be celebrated on the Thursday which arrives after Trinity Sunday. Since Trinity Sunday comes a week after Pentecost, Corpus Christi festival is observed ten days after Pentecost celebrations, which basically means sixty days after Easter Sunday.

Since this day is also linked to the Eucharist, we would also like the readers to know that the Euchrist is observed in honour of the last meal Jesus Christ shared with his disciples. Common symbols associated with the day are bread or wafers and wine, which is believed to be Jesus Christ’s body and blood and the plate that holds the bread and the chalice together is also the one that holds the wine. Other symbols associated with this day are processional banners and cloths which come handy to protect the blessed sacrament (bread or wafers) when it is paraded in the outside world. The festival has no mention in the Bible, but is definitely and very closely associated with the last supper which is why it is considered to be of great importance.

How is Corpus Christi Celebrated in Germany?

Public life on the day of Corpus Christi in Germany seems to be entirely different as it is quite an important day. Let us find out how this festival is celebrated in various parts of the country.

  • If you are lucky enough, you will get tio witness the celebrations of Fronleichnam in places like Bavaria, Saarland, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg or North Rhine-Westphalia. A holiday is also declared in these respective places in Germany.

  • The festival is celebrated differently in various parts of the country. For instance, In Fritzlar, located in north Hesse, the celebrations start on Wednesday night itself and that too with the so-called Katzenkoppschießen. It is during this ceremony that the eight bells of the town’s cathedral are rung and a canon is also fired. Now, this ritual is supposed to be carried out three times.

  • At the same time in Cologne, a procession is carried out which has the involvement of more than 100 ships. Meanwhile in Bamberg, 18 men are deployed to carry a huge cross all throughout the entire town.

  • Also, the two towns namely Hüfingen and Mühlenbach are quite popular for their flower made carpets, which are used to decorate the path of the procession and they get stretched upto 100 metres in length.

  • Special church services are also organised on the occasion of Fronleichnam. These Church services are attended by both Catholics and Protestants and while attending the Church service, a special amount of attention is paid towards the sacraments’ blessing.

Corpus Christi Observances

वर्ष सप्ताहातील दिवस दिनांक नाव सुट्टीचे प्रकार
2019 गुरु 20 जून Corpus Christi ईसाई, सामान्य स्थानीय सुट्टी
2020 गुरु 11 जून Corpus Christi ईसाई, सामान्य स्थानीय सुट्टी
2021 गुरु 3 जून Corpus Christi ईसाई, सामान्य स्थानीय सुट्टी
2022 गुरु 16 जून Corpus Christi ईसाई, सामान्य स्थानीय सुट्टी
2023 गुरु 8 जून Corpus Christi ईसाई, सामान्य स्थानीय सुट्टी
2024 गुरु 30 मे Corpus Christi ईसाई, सामान्य स्थानीय सुट्टी
2025 गुरु 19 जून Corpus Christi ईसाई, सामान्य स्थानीय सुट्टी


1. What do you mean by Corpus Christi in Germany?

Corpus Christi is known as Fronleichnam in German, which basically means ‘Body of the Lord’. The festival is celebrated on Thursday which arrives sixty days after Easter Sunday and ten days after the Pentecost.

2. Is Corpus Christi a Bank Holiday?

Not in all of Germany, but Corpus Christi is observed as a public holiday in places like Bavaria, Saarland, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg or North Rhine-Westphalia.

3. Why is the festival of Corpus Christi Important?

The festival of Corpus Christi is important because it considers oer celebrates Euchrist as the body of Jesus Christ.

4. How is Corpus Christi known in Germany?

Corpus Christi is known by the name of Fronleichnam in Germany and quite popular by this name only.

So this was all you need to know about Corpus Christi 2025 in Germany. We hope that you will appreciate this write up of ours. Thank You so much for connecting with us!!

त्वरित तथ्य

या वर्षी: गुरु, 19 जून 2025
शेवटच्या वर्षी: गुरु, 30 मे 2024
प्रकार : Christian, Common local holiday

Corpus Christi - Names in Other Languages

English: Corpus Christi
German: Fronleichnam
Norwegian: Kristi legemsfest